Sunday, October 18, 2009

Random Photos

Sorry, I have been away for some time. I have been trying to keep my Facebook account more up-to-date, and kind of forgot about the blog. These are random photos from the summer up until last weekend at the pumpkin patch. Drew in her undies and l/s shirt may be a bit inappropriate, but this is how she likes to be. She is our little cheer diva/dancer. She is going to begin dance lessons this Tuesday. Hopefully she listens to the teacher, she kind of likes to be her own choreographer.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

out for a hike in the sand hills

We decided to go for hike with the girls. It was a great afternoon. A great way to spend time with the family, get outside and get some exercise. Drew was a real trooper, she lead the way. Paige liked stopping along the way to see what she could find to touch and taste. It was a great way to spend a Sunday. Paige was pretty tuckered out on the way home.

Happy Birthday Doris!!

Mom and Drew, I thought I better get a picture of me on here.

Great Grandma Doris' 80th Birthday Celebration!!

Drew helping Grandma open presents. We were making a happy birthday banner with hand and footprints and this was our wash tub. Paige decided to get her entire body clean.

Pictures from the Grad

McGhan 5

Dramatic Drew and cousin Rylee getting ready for
church at Grandma & Grandpa's with Aunt Andrea

From the Camera of Andrea

These newborn photos were taken by Andrea in the hospital. Paige was such a tiny little thing. We placed a bottle of pop next to her in comparison.

Monday, June 22, 2009


Drew and Rylee swinging at Grandma and Grandpa's.

Paige, Rylee and Gage

Rylee is such a good helper.


Margie, Jessica, Paige, Erin
Drew, Rylee, Gage By the gorge, the creek is down below the fence

Dad and
Drew watching the parade.

Kathy and Paige watching the parade.

Grandpa Robbie and Paige, waiting for the parade to start.

We had a lot of people come to watch the parade, there were over 200 entries, if I recall.
Beautiful day for a parade.
All the kids had their bags ready for the candy.

Colton, Rylee, Drew, Gage, Ian, Heather, (Luke - can't see) Codi, Daniel, Jasmine

Zoo time

Summer outing to the zoo. I think Drew's favorite things were the geese and the plastic horses. Paige took it all in. I didn't plan to have my kids both wear brown and white stripes, they aren't even the same brand. I vowed to never do this, and when we got them both loaded Dom said something on the lines of having the kids match today. Oh well.

lil' Paige

Paige squeezing into her
baby's playpen. She fit!!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Drew's Best Friend Chester

Drew just can't get enough of Chester, Uncle Damien's Chocolate lab. She follows him around the house, hugs him, lays by him, she just can't get enough of him. She always asks if she can have a dog like Chester, but maybe a little smaller. She is so good to him and has such a kind heart for all animals. When we go out to "The Country" Drew always wants to hang out with the dogs, follow the cats around and pet and feed the horses.

Meet baby Rylin

Happy Easter!!
We spent the Easter weekend at Doug and Cheryl's. We got to meet welcome new baby Rylin Lee to the family. He is so precious. Great-Grandma Doris has another 4th generation to add. Paige and Cayden had a great time tickling each other with some encouragement from Grandpa Doug. Grandma Cheryl and Grandpa Doug were great hosts for the weekend.

Dying Easter Eggs

Kelley and Ian came over to dye Easter eggs. They turned out great!! Drew and Ian worked so hard and were really careful with the eggs. Thanks for coming over Ian and Kelley. Hopefully next year Paige can join in on the fun, she was taking a nap.

Just hanging out

I found Drew and Paige hanging out behind a little table we have. I thought it was pretty sweet so I got out the camera. Paige was trying to give Drew kisses, but Drew didn't want to get slobbered. I hope they'll cherish each other forever.